February's Perfect Ice Cream Pint Pairing - Perry's Ice Cream

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February’s Perfect Ice Cream Pint Pairing

February is arguably one of the worst months of the year (seriously, how does the shortest month of the year always seem like the longest?). It’s cold, snowy, dark and overall, we just don’t like it (we can’t be the only ones that feel this way). Luckily, we have the secret to making February much more bearable: Perry’s Ice Cream pint + me-time.

What exactly is “me-time” might you ask? According to Dictionary.com, me-time is “time spent focusing on oneself and only doing things one wants to do.” Where we come from, me-time comes in a pint (of ice cream, of course).

At Perry’s Ice Cream, we believe ice cream is the perfect way to relax, unwind, and step away from the stress of life (we even think good ice cream can transport you to another time or place, and we know we all need a vacation right about now). That’s why we’ve paired up the best Perry’s Ice Cream pints to help you embrace your me-time and get you through the rest of the month.  

1. Meet “Off the Grid”

Off the Grid Perry's Ice Cream Pint

Off the Grid is the perfect February ice cream pint pairing for people who find peace and happiness in the great outdoors. Your ideal me-time is getting to step away from those emails and texts, and just take a breath of fresh air, and maybe a nice hike. Step away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy the simple pleasures of getting Off the Grid. 

Indulge in chocolate ice cream with peanut butter swirls and chopped peanut butter cups, and transport yourself to a more relaxing time somewhere in the mountains. (Major plus: ice cream is cold, but it’s not nearly as cold as a mountaintop in February. You can get “off the grid” in the comfort of your own warm home.) 

2. Meet “Cheat Day”

Cheat Day Perry's Ice Cream Pint

Cheat Day is the perfect February ice cream pint pairing to reward yourself for a job well done. Have you been sticking to those New Year’s Resolutions? Getting up early, eating healthy and getting those steps in? Now it’s time to reward yourself and relax (even if you didn’t do any of those things). Turn on your favorite reality TV show, settle in, and slow down for a minute. Taking a break and rewarding yourself is important. Remember, every day is a little victory (especially since we’re going on a year in a pandemic. You deserve a treat.)

Indulge in brown sugar ice cream with brownie batter swirls, brownie dough pieces, and cookie dough pieces. (Pro tip: hide this flavor from the kids. This flavor is reserved for you only, and our pints aren’t necessarily sized to share.)  

Whether you’re looking to escape by way of unplugging, or by drowning out your worries watching copious amounts of The Bachelor, you can find your perfect me-time BFF with Perry’s Ice Cream pints. Find your new me-time treat near you using our flavor finder.

Not sure these ice cream pints flavors are your perfect match? Explore our other flavors here.

Know someone who needs some me-time? (That someone can be yourself, we won’t tell). Send some Perry’s right to their door through ShopPerrys.com

Contributor: Gabe Buck