Home / Blog / Using Less, Giving More: Perry’s Ice Cream Annual Sustainability Report 

Using Less, Giving More: Perry’s Ice Cream Annual Sustainability Report 

Using Less, Giving More: Perry’s Ice Cream Annual Sustainability Report

To celebrate Earth Day, we raise a cone to our one and only Mother Earth. We acknowledge all that she gives us, while also recognizing what we can do to make the planet a cleaner and more sustainable place. We’re proud to share our company’s insights from this year’s sustainability report and how we prioritize our efforts.

Doing our part   

At Perry’s, company-wide sustainability is a priority. Through responsible business practices, we’ve committed to managing our impact on our communities and the environment. You’ll find that sustainability integrates into our culture everyday and includes 4 aspects: Culture & Partnerships, Environment, Growth, Process & System Improvements

Culture & Partnerships – It’s one of the first rules we’re taught, and for good reason: “treat people the way we want to be treated.” 

To support our team, we stay committed to keeping skills sharp, minds and bodies healthy and supporting life outside of work (because we truly believe in enjoying every moment).  

We know it takes a village to thrive on our sustainability journey. That’s why we partner with organizations that also prioritize sustainability efforts in their organizations so together we can positively affect our communities, environment and businesses.  

Environment – In short, we want to provide a wholesome product that’s wholesome to Mother Earth.  We continue to make progress is waste reduction, efficient use of natural resources and a reduction in chemical usage.  

Growth – Perry’s went from a humble dairy route in 1918 to the 27th largest ice cream brand in the US, but this surely didn’t happen by accident. It’s our focus on growth that’s kept us around for over 100 years—and thus with our growth goals, we hope to be here for over 100 more.  

Process & System Improvements – Our teams continuously challenge the way we do things to drive out waste and inefficiencies. Often, these process improvements favorably impact our team members and the environment also.  

2021’s Susatainability Impact 

Goals are great, but let’s talk about results. Here are just a handful of ways sustainability was in action throughout 2021: 

sustainability report
sustainability report
sustainability report
sustainability report

Download Perry’s Ice Cream’s Annual Sustainability Report 

That’s not all! See what else we achieved in 2021. Download the 2021 Good Stuff Report to see more

Contributors: Kristin Rozewski, Gayle Denning & Gabriel Buck